School Code of Conduct

Keppel-Sarawak Elementary School Code of Conduct

Keppel-Sarawak is an elementary school in Bluewater District School Board servicing students from Kindergarten to Grade 6. Our school is a place that promotes respect, responsibility and academic excellence in a safe, welcoming learning and teaching environment.  A positive school climate exists when all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable and included.  We believe that all stakeholders in our school community play an important role in contributing to a positive school climate that fosters and supports academic achievement for all students.


Keppel Cougars:

  • Respect ourselves; our peers and classmates; the Keppel-Sarawak staff and our school building....this is our "Cougar Promise"


  • Take responsibility for our words and actions


  • Value the Bluewater Character Attributes of: Caring, Commitment, Dependability, Trust, Teamwork, Honesty, Integrity, Self-Discipline, Responsibility and Respect


  • Are learning more about the Seven Grandfather Teachings: Wisdom, Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty, Humility, and Truth


Students are expected to follow the Code of Conduct while at school, when riding the bus, and when attending school-related functions.  This also applies to activities that happen outside of school but might have an impact on our school climate (e.g., cyber-bullying).  Through Ministry direction and legislation, school discipline has shifted from an approach that is solely punitive to one of progressive discipline, an approach that corrects inappropriate behaviour and offers multiple supports.  This approach enables students to learn from the choices they make.


Bus Code of Behaviour

Riding the school bus is a privilege. The following expectations are in place to assist us in keeping all students and drivers safe while travelling to and from school each day.

1. Comply promptly with the instructions of the driver.

2. Follow the directions of the bus monitor(s).

3. Treat other riders and bus property with respect.

4. Remain in your seat while the bus is moving (the driver may assign a student to a specific seat).

5. Avoid any behaviour which might distract the driver’s attention from the road.

6. A pattern of repeated difficulties may result in a suspension from the bus.  Parent/Guardians must provide transportation in the event of a school bus suspension.

Dress Code

The following dress code has been established to support a safe and respectful learning and teaching environment:

  • Clothing with inappropriate words or graphics is unacceptable (including profanity and drug, tobacco or alcohol advertising)
  • Shoes considered safe for indoor and outdoor play should be worn at all times


Electronic Devices and Cell Phones

In order to protect the instructional opportunities for all students, it is an expectation that all cell phones and electronic devices be powered off and secured out of sight during the school day unless being used for educational purposes. If used without teacher permission/ direct supervision, electronic devices will be held by the classroom teacher until the end of the day.

If this becomes a persistent problem the electronics will be sent to the office and a phone call home will be made. Inappropriate use may also be subject to progressive discipline. For more information about the Bluewater District School Board Policy on the Use of Electronic Devices, please refer to AP 2314-D on the BWDSB website.


Items from Home

Students are asked to leave valuable possessions at home. If it is necessary to bring valuables, the student is encouraged to leave the item at the office or with their teacher for safekeeping. Students should not leave valuable items on the coat rack or in a school bag or desk. The school cannot be held responsible for lost or stolen items.

Any sports equipment that is brought from home, such as ball gloves, skipping ropes, and soccer balls should be well-marked with the student’s name.  For safety reasons, students are not allowed to bring baseballs and bats to school.  Other equipment is permitted on the playground on the condition that they are played with in a safe manner.

Bicycles, scooters and skateboards must be walked once the child is on school property (anywhere along our bus loading zone/ parking lot area).  Please encourage your children to obey safety rules at all times.  If students do not obey the rules of the road they may be asked to leave their bikes/ scooters/ skateboards at home.  In the interest of safety, students are expected to wear proper helmets as it is a requirement of the Highway Traffic Act.  It is the responsibility of the students to ensure bikes are locked up. Skateboards and scooters should be kept in a designated area during the school day.

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